The Grumps YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Welcome friends and lovelies to a live action comedy channel starring a pair of friends for life: Arin Hanson and Dan Avidan! Together, this duo is... THE GRUMPS. (Disclaimer: Arin is grumpier. Dan? Not so grump.) The 10 Minute Power Hour is currently airing WEEKLY on Monday's at 9am PST/10am MT/11am CT/12pm ET. These guys are mostly used to goofing off in a dark room while playing video games, so we're putting them on camera and going outside more to help with the Vitamin D deficiency. If you enjoy their jokes and bits, subscribe!The Grumps
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  • 1,120,000
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  • 160,545,309
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  • 158
  • 2 Per Week

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MIDDLE, 50.9% of subscribers

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Welcome friends and lovelies to a live action comedy channel starring a pair of friends for life: Arin Hanson and Dan Avidan! Together, this duo is... THE GRUMPS. (Disclaimer: Arin is grumpier. Dan? Not so grump.) 

The 10 Minute Power Hour is currently airing WEEKLY on Monday's at 9am PST/10am MT/11am CT/12pm ET.

These guys are mostly used to goofing off in a dark room while playing video games, so we're putting them on camera and going outside more to help with the Vitamin D deficiency. If you enjoy their jokes and bits, subscribe!