YouAreCreators YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Welcome to YouAreCreators. The largest Self-Help YouTube Channel in the world... My life changed drastically over 10 years ago. I discovered the secret to receiving anything I want in life. With this knowledge, I quadrupled my bank account, and successfully opened several businesses. This knowledge taught me the essence of being a good husband, father, and most of all, it brought me closer to Source/God/Love. Then I thought, "What good is this information if I can't share it with the world?" So I studied hours upon hours of audio books and lectures of priceless knowledge, with the intention to motivate the WORLD. Let's create lives worth living! Sign up for my Patreon for information...I can't share here...YouAreCreators
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  • Subscribers
  • 1,790,000
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  • 207,273,031
  • 30,333 / d
  • Super Chat
  • $297
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  • Videos
  • 1,280
  • 5 Per Week

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Downward trend

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VERY LOW, 0.5% of subscribers

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Total Live Streams

146 Times
8 days ago, Last streamed

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Total Revenue

Chat | 19 Chats
$16 / Chat

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Welcome to YouAreCreators. The largest Self-Help YouTube Channel in the world... 

My life changed drastically over 10 years ago. I discovered the secret to receiving anything I want in life. With this knowledge, I quadrupled my bank account, and successfully opened several businesses. This knowledge taught me the essence of being a good husband, father, and most of all, it brought me closer to Source/God/Love. Then I thought, "What good is this information if I can't share it with the world?" So I studied hours upon hours of audio books and lectures of priceless knowledge, with the intention to motivate the WORLD. Let's create lives worth living! Sign up for my Patreon for information...I can't share here...