Master Diddy San - Clash Royale YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Master Diddy San - Clash Royale Hi Everyone! I'm Diddy... just a Clash Royale YouTuber having fun! I'm showcasing Daily Clash Royale videos which sometimes include, new Clash Royale Tips, Clash Royale Strategy, Clash Royale Best Decks, Building Decks in Clash Royale, Clash Royale Gameplay, Clash Royale Trophy Pushing on Ladder, Best Deck for Each Arena, and I do it all while keeping it exciting and family friendly! Why Diddy? My name is Anthony and I have a younger sister nicknamed 'Goose'. When we were very young and she was learning how to talk (2-3 yrs old??) she would say my name 'an-du-dee' which settled into 'Diddy' for a couple that stuck :D Why San? San is a Japanese title of respect typically used between equals of any age, regardless of the person's gender. It is similar to English honorifics "Mr.", "Miss", "Ms.", or "Mrs." #ClashRoyale #ClashRoyaleDeck #ClashRoyaleBestDeck #ClashRoyaleGameplay #Supercell #bestdeck #Clash #Royale #ClashRoyal Master Diddy San - Clash Royale
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Number of videos9330-
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Last update 5 months ago / 2023.12.01--
Avg. Views 92,469 --
Avg. Like/Views 6.79% --
Avg. Comment/Views 0.14% --

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