Preppy Kitchen YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Hi and welcome to Preppy Kitchen! This channel is for people who love food and enjoy learning new recipes and techniques so you can make delicious dishes to share with your family and friends! You'll find new videos every Tuesday and Thursday with step-by-step instructions so you can make anything with confidence. I’m John Kanell, a husband, dad to twins Lachlan and George, Los Angeles native, and an avid baker and cooker of all things delicious thanks to a life long education from my mother. My mom cooked every meal we had and I loved spending time with her in the kitchen watching, helping, and learning as she made everything from scratch. After finishing my degree in fine arts at UCLA I spent just over a decade teaching math and science to wonderful 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. A few years ago I decided to get back to my roots and Preppy Kitchen was born! For me the most satisfying part of making any dish is sharing it, so I started blogging to bring what I make to all of you.Preppy Kitchen
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a year ago updated

Total Views

Avg. 207,114

Total Likes

Avg. 6,605

Total Comments

Avg. 319

Performance comparison

All time
ItemNormal VideoPromotion VideoCompare
Number of videos1,0258-
Update Frequency 11 / Month 1 / Month -
Last update a day ago / 2024.04.26 a year ago / 2023.05.31-
Avg. Views 263,430 207,114 56,316
Avg. Like/Views 3.52% 3.19%0.33%
Avg. Comment/Views 0.12% 0.15% 0.03%

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