SHiNE DANCE FITNESS YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Rooted in traditional hip hop, jazz & ballet, the SHiNE Dance Fitness™ workout is designed to feel like RECESS: A time when you don't think about how you look as you move in your body, you just ENJOY what it can do and PLAY to your heart's content! We burn 500+ calories per 1hr class, hitting our cardio peaks, improving our balance, endurance & agility, and incorporating strength & toning techniques all along the way. The SHiNE workout is a "one-stop shop," and the best part is, you'll love it so much you'll DEFINITELY want to come back for more! We offer Online Classes, LIVE classes all over the world with certified SHiNE Instructors, and Instructor Trainings on our website all year round! Visit to find a FREE 7-day Online Class trial, LIVE class search options, oodles of merchandise goodies, instructor training details and more. You were made to SHiNE! SHiNE Dance Fitness™ HQ is located in Eagle, Idaho. Questions? SHiNE DANCE FITNESS
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  • 42,348,367
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  • 378
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VERY LOW, 4.4% of subscribers

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23 Times
6 months ago, Last streamed

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Rooted in traditional hip hop, jazz & ballet, the SHiNE Dance Fitness™ workout is designed to feel like RECESS: A time when you don't think about how you look as you move in your body, you just ENJOY what it can do and PLAY to your heart's content! We burn 500+ calories per 1hr class, hitting our cardio peaks, improving our balance, endurance & agility, and incorporating strength & toning techniques all along the way. The SHiNE workout is a "one-stop shop," and the best part is, you'll love it so much you'll DEFINITELY want to come back for more!

We offer Online Classes, LIVE classes all over the world with certified SHiNE Instructors, and Instructor Trainings on our website all year round!  Visit to find a FREE 7-day Online Class trial, LIVE class search options, oodles of merchandise goodies, instructor training details and more.

You were made to SHiNE! 

SHiNE Dance Fitness™ HQ is located in Eagle, Idaho.
