Tayo the Little Bus YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

💙 Welcome to the official channel of Tayo the Little Bus on YouTube! Here you can watch all of your favorite Tayo episodes. We are working hard to create fun new episodes to keep our dear fans happy. New content is uploaded every week, so stay tuned everyone! “Tayo the Little Bus” is about exciting adventures that are to happen in the metropolitan city where different vehicles live in harmony with one another. Tayo is just starting to learn his routes in this busy city center and on his journey, he is making many new friends. Full of unique characters that capture children's imaginations and fun storylines, the series has a lot to offer. Tayo the Little Bus
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  • 3,859
  • 7 Per Week

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VERY LOW, 1.8% of subscribers

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305 Times
18 days ago, Last streamed

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💙 Welcome to the official channel of Tayo the Little Bus on YouTube!

Here you can watch all of your favorite Tayo episodes. We are working hard to create fun new episodes to keep our dear fans happy. New content is uploaded every week, so stay tuned everyone! 

“Tayo the Little Bus” is about exciting adventures that are to happen in the metropolitan city where different vehicles live in harmony with one another. Tayo is just starting to learn his routes in this busy city center and on his journey, he is making many new friends. Full of unique characters that capture children's imaginations and fun storylines, the series has a lot to offer.