Expresso Show YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Weekdays from 6am to 9am Expresso broadcasts LIVE from our studio in South Africa. Our presenters Graeme Richards, Zoe Brown, Ryle De Morny, Carl Wastie and Ewan Strydom steer the show through a myriad of fun, informative and interactive segments. Expresso showcases lifestyle entertainment includes kids' entertainment and green awareness, on-trend fashion and beauty advice, comedy, interviews with celebrities, live gigs from SA's top bands, and the latest from the worlds of blogging, gaming and gadgets.Expresso Show
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Weekdays from 6am to 9am Expresso broadcasts LIVE from our studio in South Africa. 

Our presenters Graeme Richards, Zoe Brown, Ryle De Morny, Carl Wastie and Ewan Strydom steer the show through a myriad of fun, informative and interactive segments.

Expresso showcases lifestyle entertainment includes kids' entertainment and green awareness, on-trend fashion and beauty advice, comedy, interviews with celebrities, live gigs from SA's top bands, and the latest from the worlds of blogging, gaming and gadgets.