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Published 2021.05.09
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I see the Love of My Life rising up, bedecked with Jewels

November 20, 2015 – Words from Jesus & Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord is with us, Heartdwellers. And I have a really exciting message to share with you this morning.

As I worshipped Him, He began to infuse His will for us into my heart. I could hardly wait to sit down at the computer and type this, because I could feel it bursting out of every pore. It’s a beautiful message, I’ll go ahead…

Dear Ones, the Lord is calling to you. He needs you… The lost, the dying, those floundering in the darkness are crying out to Him from their beds of pain at night. They are so lost, so confused, so steeped in darkness.

He is calling out to you who have caught the wind of His Spirit here, those of you He has been preparing to reach your brothers and sisters with His tender love and revelation of who He truly is.

Many of you have felt this call and not known what to do with it. Do you know, we have a huge audience before us on the Internet? Yes, huge. I’m only reaching 12,000, guys. He wants to reach 120,000 and more. He can do it with Gideon’s 300, those of you who are on fire, yet have no outlet for that fire. Yes, He is calling many of you, young and old, to rise up into your own ministries and spread His intimate love abroad.

There is room for all ministries on the Internet, this is not about competition it’s about empowerment. Many of you have profound things to share with your generation and all the hungry and thirsty. You have the The One, that is needed! You have Jesus and an intimate connection with Him. Everything flows from that, everything. If you can make your standard the Love of Christ without engaging foolish arguments or responding in rancor, if you can do that – you are a prime candidate for this work.

Each of us is an individual and unique, we all have something very special to give, something no one else has… our gift, our calling and our Jesus, who will fill us with wisdom day after day after day, that we’ll be able to feed those who come to us. All we need is a little discipline, commitment and love. Let’s start with just a seed of these and watch Him water and make us grow into a giant oak with room for all the birds of the field.

I am calling out to you as well. You have drunk of these waters and matured in them, now it is time to make His voice heard through you, go and bear fruit. If you continue to sit and drink and drink, you run the risk of becoming lukewarm.

Today a very old prophetic word that was spoken over me is being fulfilled. This dear prophet of God who is with the Lord now, was a retired pastor with great insight.

The Lord gave him a vision of me carrying a torch through a dark forest; it was giving off enough light to make my path visible. But all of a sudden, it burst into a brilliant light that penetrated the darkness and made the forest as light as day.

He saw young people coming to me with their own torches that were not as yet lit. They touched my torch and theirs burst into flame, then they WENT OUT all over the world with this light, and spread it.

This prophecy is being fulfilled. You who have listened and caught the flames of His love in your hearts, it is time for you to go out and take this light to your people, your nation, your family and peers. This light is meant to be passed on to others. People in the world have fueled their torches with tears that will ignite when the right fire is touched to it. This movement of love is happening all over the world, not just here. The Lord is commissioning and sending out His Lovers, His Brides to spread the nuptial invitation to the highways and byways.

This is not like the revival that we have known here in the U.S., where everyone is following some great personality, with signs and wonders. No, this is a revival of Love, inside the believer’s...
