Playboard announces the most objective YouTube rankings.

Playboard collects the data for YouTube channels worldwide to determine and announce reliable rankings.

Registered channels
Registered videos

How to rank channel popularity

  • The channel popularity ranking is selected based on the number of views and likes of the video recently registered to each channel.
  • Likes are weighted because they are a measure of viewers' active engagement.

Popularity score = number of views + ( number of likes * 10 )

Aggregate target
Daily ChartVideos that have not been 3 days since registration
Weekly ChartVideos that have not been 30 days since registration
Monthly Chart
Yearly Chart
Total Period Chart

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To ensure an accurate ranking, Playboard analyzes anywhere from millions to tens of millions of data every day.

Changes to the number of subscribers in a channel is checked once a day.

Checking period for data such as the number of views and likes differ depending on the elapsed time since the video was posted.

  • Videos posted in the past 7 days are checked daily
  • Videos that are viewed more than 5,000 times are checked daily regardless of the date of posting
  • Other videos are checked once from a minimum of every 2 days to a maximum of every 365 days depending on the elapsed time since the video was posted

Chart update schedule

TimeAggregate period
Daily ChartEvery day 10:00 AMYesterday
Weekly ChartEvery Monday 12:00 PMLast week
Monthly Chart1st of every month 1:00 PMLast month
Yearly Chart1st of every year 5:00 PMLast year
December 5th 5:00 PMThis year
All-time ChartEvery day 11:00 AMTotal Period
  • Depending on the time it takes to aggregate, the update time may vary.
  • Aggregation periods are based on Greenwich Mean Time.

Requirements for channel registration

Only channels with a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 1,000,000 cumulative views are registered and ranked.

Video information are aggregated for channels with a minimum of 23,000 subscribers or 10,000,000 cumulative views.

Channel category

Channel categories are set by aggregating the categories of each video in the channel.

The category with the highest number of views through videos that has the same category is set as the representative category.

This operation is done automatically and updated on an average of once a week.

Channel tag

Channel tag is selected based on the keywords entered by the channel owner through YouTube Studio.

How to set tags : YouTube Studio > Settings > Channels > Basic info

Only identifiable keywords among the ones entered in the channel such as ASMR and Travel are selected as channel tags.

If there are too many keywords, only the first five keywords are used.

This operation is done automatically and updated on an average of once a week.

Super Chat

The Playboard provides you with the information about Super Chat and Super Sticker statistics.

  • Live streaming before January 10, 2020 : Aggregate only if stream is saved
  • Live streaming After January 10, 2020 : Aggregate all Super Chat
  • All Premiere Video are counted.
  • The amount may change due to exchange rate fluctuations.