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Premiered 2020.09.26
3 years ago updated
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This documentary tells the story of Rome’s violent transformation from a Republic to an Empire. 

The decline and fall of the Roman Republic is one of the most dramatic stories in Western history. Beginning with the murder of Tiberius Gracchus in 133 BC and ending with Octavian’s victory at Actium in 31 BC, this was a century-long process characterized by political violence and civil war. In the course of these 102 years, Rome was transformed from a republic – governed by the Senate and People of Rome – to a military dictatorship, ruled by an almighty emperor. This video tells the story of this violent transformation, dubbed by modern historians as “the Roman Revolution”.

This was the age of some of the most famous characters in Western history: Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, Spartacus and Cicero, Mark Antony and Octavian, Gaius Marius and Lucius Sulla, Marcus Crassus and Pompey the Great. The epic stories of these larger than life personalities are brought to life in this video. 

The century of Roman Revolution was a time of violent conflicts: Tiberius Gracchus’ struggle against the Senate; Gaius Marius’ campaign against the northern barbarians; Sulla’s reign of terror; the Spartacus Rebellion; Pompey’s conquests in the east; Caesar’s Gallic War; and the never-ending Civil Wars between Roman generals. In this video, these conflicts come alive like never before. 

The video also depicts Rome’s social and cultural life during this period. You’ll get an insight into the everyday life of regular Romans; their religion, their entertainment, their legal system and their intellectual achievements. 

#History #HistoryoftheWorld #AncientRome #Civilization #Documentary