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Premiered 2021.05.29
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Grabovoi Numers Sequence for Migraine - Grigori Grabovoi

Grigori Grabovoi Light Sphere Device 

Geometry is the fundamental materialized information of the Creator which has a mental potential and with that also energetic efficiency.

Human beings are able to work and understand geometric shapes more easily than abstract figures. Therefore, the quality of matter can be transformed through a mental device with a geometrical FORM by transforming its information. 

Furthermore, it can be generated a protection against negative influences through geometric objects.

Through programming the device to the desired state, all the negative information will be transported at a very fast speed to the center of the device and it will be transformed.

All we have to do is give an instruction to the form, saying what we want to do. Give your instruction with power, knowing that you are acting as the Creator acts, not ask, beg, but instruct. Place how or what you want to change. 

The mentalization of the code must be done with positive words. Eliminate words like: problems, difficulties, illnesses, losing, no, etc.

The sequence 4851485 is specifically for migraine, it covers everything related to it.

The following sequence 4851485 corresponds to Migraine, its application includes all types of Migraine:

1. Migraine without aura (common migraine)
2. Migraine with aura
3. Migraine without headache
4. Basilar migraine
5. Hemipléx migraine
6. Retinal migraine
7. Chronic migraine

By viewing the sequence within the device the information is enhanced and accelerated.

Green is a color It is a tranquilizing color, associated with nature, it is the color of life. From the psychological point of view, green is a color of peace and balance, much more than white, and is therefore the preferred color in hospitals. Neutralizes the red blood. Its function is to balance, producing harmony, peace and serenity. It is the color of balance and harmony. To treat physical fatigue and wounds, cell regeneration; it is used in the treatment of malignant tumors, to increase the defenses of the immune system, in cardiac affections, the problems of the circulatory system, headaches, neuralgia, sleep disorders, emotional instability, enhances the ability to adapt , promotes physical relaxation, has antiseptic properties and detoxifies. The use of green tones, relieves stress, fatigue and headaches, helps with liver problems and is beneficial in cases of claustrophobia.; using it together with 4851485 sequence and the light sphere device enhances the desired effect.

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∇ Music

Song: Surrealism (Ambient Mix) 
Author: Andrewkn.
License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication  Modified & Mixed By Wishbe©

Song: Exotic Scene.
Author: Andrewkn.
License: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication  Modified & Mixed By Wishbe©

∇ Graphics

Author: Wishbe©
License: Copyright © All rights reserved. Any reproduction in part or in whole of this content, without prior written permission, is prohibited.