"家庭" 관련채널 5,494개가 검색되었습니다.

전세계 17,399,558개 채널중에서 검색한 결과입니다.
7일 조회
라이브 시청자
마지막 광고
최근 7일최근 15일최근 30일최근 180일30일 이전

Han Sinh

Hello, this is our new YouTube channel that bought the new exclusive rights from this family from China. 我们是中国的一个有趣的家庭,该频道是唯一YouTube官方频道,近期发现有盗用搬用视频的请误盗用! We are an interesting family in China. This channel is the only official YouTube channel. Recently, it has been discovered that there have been pirated videos. Please do not pirate!
  • 2.6백만명 구독,
  • 5천개 영상
7일 조회1,900
좋아요 비율0.3%
업데이트3달 전

Felix Play

Welcome to my channel " Felix Play 龙龙·🍭🍭 " 我们是中国的一个有趣的家庭,该频道是唯一YouTube官方频道,近期发现有盗用搬用视频的请误盗用! We are an interesting family in China. This channel is the only official YouTube channel. Recently, it has been discovered that there have been pirated videos. Please do not pirate!
  • 3.7백만명 구독,
  • 1.4만개 영상
7일 조회12,098
좋아요 비율0.1%
업데이트6달 전

My Baby play

我们是中国的一个有趣的家庭,该频道是唯一YouTube官方频道,近期发现有盗用搬用视频的请误盗用! We are an interesting family in China. This channel is the only official YouTube channel. Recently, it has been discovered that there have been pirated videos. Please do not pirate!
  • 5.4백만명 구독,
  • 1.8만개 영상
7일 조회748
좋아요 비율0.2%
업데이트5일 전


我们是中国的一个有趣的家庭,该频道是唯一YouTube官方频道,近期发现有盗用搬用视频的请误盗用! We are an interesting family in China. This channel is the only official YouTube channel. Recently, it has been discovered that there have been pirated videos. Please do not pirate!
  • 77만명 구독,
  • 3천개 영상
7일 조회200
좋아요 비율0.2%
업데이트2일 전
좋아요 비율0.9%
업데이트4달 전

Daneth Lifestyle

Welcome to my channel Daneth Lifestyle 我们是中国的一个有趣的家庭,该频道是唯一YouTube官方频道,近期发现有盗用搬用视频的请误盗用! We are an interesting family in China. This channel is the only official YouTube channel. Recently, it has been discovered that there have been pirated videos. Please do not pirate!
  • 2백만명 구독,
  • 1.5만개 영상
7일 조회560
좋아요 비율0.3%
업데이트23일 전

My Baby Play

我们是中国的一个有趣的家庭,该频道是唯一YouTube官方频道,近期发现有盗用搬用视频的请误盗用! We are an interesting family in China. This channel is the only official YouTube channel. Recently, it has been discovered that there have been pirated videos. Please do not pirate! The happiness of children is always so simple.
  • 34.5만명 구독,
  • 4천개 영상
좋아요 비율0.2%
업데이트3달 전

interesting challenge

我们是一个有趣的家庭,这是我们唯一的 YouTube 频道。 We are a fun family and this is our one and only YouTube channel.
  • 53.9만명 구독,
  • 142개 영상
업데이트3일 전


このチャンネルでは家庭教師と生徒の授業風景を乗せているチャンネルです! ※家庭教師はボランティアとしてやって頂いています。金銭のやり取りは一切ございません。
  • 35.5만명 구독,
  • 431개 영상
7일 조회48,538
좋아요 비율1.4%
업데이트6일 전


このチャンネルでは、 農家さんや菜園家さんから聞いた、家庭菜園や農園で活用できるノウハウをお届けします! ぜひ皆さんの" 家庭菜園らいふ "にお役立てください! 農家直伝!家庭菜園らいふとは― 農家さんこだわりの栽培方法や、害虫対策、土作り、肥料の使い方など初心者にも分かりやすく解説しています。 市民農園や家庭菜園をやってる方や、これから農家を目指している方にも役立つ情報をがんばって発信していきますので、良かったらチャンネル登録お願いします! ------------------------------------------------- "Japanese garden life" explains in an easy-to-understand manner the cultivation methods that Japanese farmers are particular about, pest control, soil preparation, and fertilizer usage that can be done in kitchen gardens and farms.Thanks. ------------------------------------------------- \家庭菜園が好きな編集者やカメラマンも募集中!/ ▼YouTubeチャンネル立ち上げ相談、動画制作依頼、お仕事のご相談などはこちら youtube@gral.co.jp
  • 18.6만명 구독,
  • 1천개 영상
7일 조회12,310
좋아요 비율2.6%
업데이트3달 전


For Chinese Businesses 商业合作邮箱:lanb2333@gmail.com We are a Chinese and American international couple and we are so thankful we get to share our lives with you here! We enjoy sharing our love for cooking authentic Chinese cuisine and the many life adventures that come with being in a cross-cultural relationship! We would love for you to join our big family here! 我们是中美夫妻,2020年三月份在美国结的婚。非常期待可以分享我们的生活和故事给您。我们因为中国美食相遇、相知。我目前在美国教授汉语,我老婆她教中国学生英语,我们都是老师。我们希望可以让您了解更多东西方文化的融合和差异,也希望您可以成为我们的新朋友!
  • 23.5만명 구독,
  • 276개 영상
7일 조회191,163
좋아요 비율4.2%
업데이트5일 전


♥♥欢迎订阅:#追剧猫☞☞https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV7LsulyW87f10yjdtdXvtw?view_as=subscriber 💗Welcome to subscribe:#Catchasingdrama☞☞ #小三 #出轨 #丈夫 #妻子 #家庭伦理
  • 34.3만명 구독,
  • 6천개 영상
7일 조회43,799
좋아요 비율0.7%
업데이트6달 전

つりきっぷ / 家庭で自然を楽しむ

🏆芝生系YouTube登録者10万人🏆 🌱芝生・土の研究10年 🌱実体験をレビュー 🌱家庭で楽しめる◯◯実験 🌱微生物・生ゴミの活用【コンポスト】   Amazonアソシエイト・プログラムの参加者です ▶️再生リスト『100万回再生ショート動画集』は必見です! 📩【企業様へ】 登録者10万人達成することができました! 今後は、動画投稿だけでなく 動画に関するオリジナル商品又はコラボ商品の開発、販売にもチャレンジ! 一緒にチャレンジしていただける企業様を募集しております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。 📩【ビジネス関係のお問い合わせ】 turikip.base@gmail.com
  • 13.7만명 구독,
  • 150개 영상
7일 조회39,317
좋아요 비율0%
업데이트한 달 전


【聲明】只在YouTube發佈作品,其它平台均為盜版(授權除外)! 本頻道主打以下系列: 《洛奇訪談錄》: 採訪美國新老移民,分享他們的故事、觀點和思想。 《洛奇漫談》: 以平民視角,分享我個人的經歷、觀點、心得感悟。 《洛奇生活Vlog》: 記錄我的家庭生活,展現美國柴米油鹽的日常縮影。 《洛奇一人一天》: 跟拍美國各行各業的華人,展現他們最真實的一天。 想上我的節目或商務合作: rocky210830@gmail.com 付費咨詢,請先發郵件:rocky210830@gmail.com (拒絕回答走線相關問題)
  • 35.4만명 구독,
  • 318개 영상
7일 조회113,676
좋아요 비율3%
업데이트5일 전

Sey Mixz

我们是中国的一个有趣的家庭,该频道是唯一YouTube官方频道,近期发现有盗用搬用视频的请误盗用! We are an interesting family in China. This channel is the only official YouTube channel. Recently, it has been discovered that there have been pirated videos. Please do not pirate!
  • 35만명 구독,
  • 1.6만개 영상
7일 조회711
좋아요 비율0.3%
업데이트18일 전

Yoshipapa / よしパパ

we are a funny family in japan "Raising children is fun" I want to increase the number of happy families 👨30 -year-old 👩30 -year-old 👦3 -year-old 🧒2 -year-old 👶0 -year-old 「子育てって楽しいんだ」 と思って貰い、幸せな家庭を増やしたい!! 👨30歳 👩30歳 🧒3歳 👧🏽 2歳 👶0歳 の可愛いくて少し笑える動画を配信してます。 【アナライズログ所属】
  • 6.3백만명 구독,
  • 832개 영상
7일 조회8,911
좋아요 비율0.3%
업데이트23일 전


【歡迎訂閱】木子言情 https://tinyurl.com/y7ycchkf 木子姑娘等你好久啦!每日更新甜寵愛情劇,木子陪你一起追劇~ 還可以加入木子的「粉色言情舘」,一起吃瓜~ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5zU... 【Welcome to subscribe】🌹Chinese Drama | Muzi🌹https://tinyurl.com/y7ycchkf Girl Muzi has been waiting for you for a long time! The sweet romantic plot is updated daily, Muzi will accompany you to chase the drama~ You can also join Muzi’s "Pink Romance Hall" to chase stars together~
  • 36.2만명 구독,
  • 5천개 영상
7일 조회3,889
좋아요 비율0.7%
업데이트5달 전


【这里是星哥快跑YouTube的官方频道】 新年好,祝大家在新的壹年,龍馬精神,事業有成;龍行天下,步步高升;龍鳳呈祥,家庭和睦。龍年大吉! Happy New Year, I wish everyone in the New Year, Longma spirit, career success; The dragon line the world, higher and higher; Prosperity of the dragon and phoenix, family harmony. Good luck in the Year of Dragon!
  • 20.6만명 구독,
  • 538개 영상
7일 조회108
좋아요 비율0.4%
업데이트8일 전


  • 2.3만명 구독,
  • 617개 영상
좋아요 비율0.5%
업데이트9달 전

MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ

OddlySatisfying & subtle humor. We are MosoGourmet. MosoGourmet is an everyday video channel of the ordinary homes in Japan. People comment that our videos are "calming," "relaxing," and "therapeutic." はじめまして!妄想グルメです。 妄想グルメは日常系ファミリーチャンネルです。 子どもに作ったお菓子やキャラ弁、買ったおもちゃや行った場所などを撮影している 日本の普通の家庭の日常生活動画です。料理動画というわけではありません。 時々、迷走グルメ、暴走グルメになります。最近はちょっと原点回帰中です。 ご連絡は妄想グルメのFacebookページのメッセージまでお願い致します。
  • 3.1백만명 구독,
  • 1천개 영상
7일 조회8,058
좋아요 비율2.1%
업데이트9일 전