About 188 channels for "taking care of children"
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Bushcraft skills
Welcome to my channel! I am a single mother with 3 daughters, I am an ethnic HR Mong in the mountains of Vietnam, I share the necessary skills when going to the forest, going out, camping hope to help you. ❤️❤️❤️
- 3.6M subscribers,
- 147 videos
Like/Views | 0.4% |
Last Updated | 12일 전 |
Rᴇᴍɪ Sᴀᴋɪ & Lᴜᴄɪ
The page will continue post all about the Monkey Video For Remi , Saki And Luci for daily activities and to show how we taking care of them from little babies and trained them to be a good pets as Monkeys. We committed ourselves will love them as our children
- 183K subscribers,
- 1.9K videos
Like/Views | 0.8% |
Last Updated | 6달 전 |
Rosoo Nursery Rhymes
Thanks for watching!
Don't forget to like, comment, subscribe and share to show your support for this channel! 💓
By VIC Media
Contact for work: tranduc98@vicgroup.media
- 3.3M subscribers,
- 450 videos
Views/7days | 148,016 |
Like/Views | 1.3% |
Last Updated | 2달 전 |
✨🎆Welcome to our funny song channel - Toonaland 🎆✨
Here you will find the best songs compilations😎😍. Sing, dance, learn and explore to our fun and simple songs🎤💃🕺😸. Channel engages children aged from 2 to 6-years-old🌈🧸🦄 Get to learn good habits, safety tips, colors, numbers, good manners, healthy habits, professions for kids, and more by enjoying our videos.
💖💖💖 Subscribe to our channel and enjoy videos! 💖💖💖
For brand partnership enquires: https://www.thesoul-publishing.com/partner
For collabs: https://www.thesoul-publishing.com/partner
- 1.5M subscribers,
- 706 videos
Views/7days | 11,927 |
Like/Views | 0.3% |
Last Updated | 8일 전 |
Raturi Mom baby care
Raturi mom baby care wants to help you to bring best parents of your children. On this channel we were share parenting tips, mother health tips during pregnancy or baby care related all tips with our personal experience we try to deliver best information in hindi that will we very useful for you
If you Are looking for a channel that can help you pregnancy care, baby care, parenting care with best of knowledge then don't forget to subscribe this channel
Disclaimer :We are sharing our personal experience on this channel.we are not a licensed or medical practitioners so consult your doctor before taking any medication or trying any type of remedies
For Sponsorship
My Instagram Id👇👇
Keep Loving....... And Subscribe This Channel
Thanks a lot for your love and support 🙏🏻
Raturi mom baby care🙏
- 217K subscribers,
- 1.1K videos
Views/7days | 2,104 |
Like/Views | 0.6% |
Last Updated | 한 달 전 |
Angela Holm
Heyyy! 🤍 My name is Angela and I’m a 28 year old mama to 4 children. I love to create mini vlogs of what it’s like being a mother/taking care of 4 littles while also taking care of myself!
I hope I can encourage you and teach you that once you become a mother you can still take care of yourself and home even when there are sweet interruptions from littles!
Lifestyle | Parenting | Travel | Vlogs ✨🤍🎀
Thank you for being here✨
Collab: 💌 angelaholmcollabs@gmail.com
- 565K subscribers,
- 747 videos
Views/7days | 1,220 |
Like/Views | 2.8% |
Last Updated | 4일 전 |
HuongTran - Daily Life
Hello everyone ❤️❤️!!
My name is Huong. I was born and raised in a very peaceful and beautiful village of Vi Xuyen district, Ha Giang province. Every day, I harvest fruits, vegetables and tubers grown on my small farm, or buy them from local farmers and bring them to the market to sell to make money for daily living.
Because I love the countryside where I was born and raised, I make HuongTran - Daily Life channel to save moments of the countryside where I live and daily life.
I hope to get your interest and love for my channel
❤️❤️Thank you everyone ❤️❤️
My broadcast schedule is at 6pm (local time) every 2 days.
Let's watch and enjoy
- 117K subscribers,
- 394 videos
Views/7days | 64,204 |
Super Chat | US$34 |
Like/Views | 2.8% |
Last Updated | 3일 전 |
Adam and Rayan Playtime
Adam and Rayan are two brothers and best friends. Together with their Mom, pet dogs and hamsters they are the ADVENTURE FAMILY. They love playing with hot wheels, race cars, Monster Trucks, fishing, traveling, swimming, soccer, outdoors, sports, cooking, boating, kayaking, camping, reading, movies, watching and making their own Youtube videos, helping Mom around the house and taking care of their pet dogs and other animals. We are also a #ukrainian #american #family and support #Ukraine in fight for its freedom and independence. Most of the proceeds from views and advertisement on our #channel donated to various humanitarian causes helping situation in Ukraine, Ukrainian children and animals. Anyone who wants to join our causes and help #Ukraine with us - please support us on https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AdamAndRayanBros. Subscribe to our channel to become a part of our never ending adventure!
- 131K subscribers,
- 469 videos
Views/7days | 1,393 |
Like/Views | 3.9% |
Last Updated | 10일 전 |
Our Mission:
To inspire people to invest in pediatric research, care, and programs that support the physical and mental health of kids.
Our Vision:
To ensure all children have equitable access to exceptional healthcare so they may reach their optimal health and quality of life.
We aspire to model inclusion and treat everyone with dignity and respect.
We strive to grow through thoughtful risk-taking that leads to innovation.
We trust one another to act in the best interests of Riley Children's Foundation, our donors, and the children and families we serve.
- 5.3K subscribers,
- 383 videos
Views/7days | 91 |
Like/Views | 2.5% |
Last Updated | 2달 전 |
TV single mom
Hello everyone. I am a single mother raising two children. Although life is very difficult, I always try to raise and take care of them well. This is my job and real daily life ♥️
- 52K subscribers,
- 370 videos
Views/7days | 16,634 |
Like/Views | 3.4% |
Last Updated | 3일 전 |
Lý Mẩy Hà
제 이름은 Ly May Ha이고 17세입니다. 우리 가족은 북동부 지역의 원주민이고 베트남의 높은 산 마을인 Tuyen Quang에 살고 있습니다.
나는 내 고향의 자연을 정말 좋아합니다. 내 활동의 대부분은 내 본성으로 간주됩니다. 나는 그 언어로 말하고 그것은 나에게 복종합니다. 이를 통해 감사하고 탐구할 수 있습니다. 한번은 산을 걷다가 반짝이는 언덕 위로 떠오르는 태양을 바라보는 것이 얼마나 행복한지 깨닫고 그것을 나누고 싶었습니다. 그리고 나는 평화로운 산악 생활을 세계와 공유하고 있습니다.
채널에서 모든 분들을 환영하고 저와 동행하게 되어 매우 기쁩니다. 감사드립니다. + 채널의 모든 영상 콘텐츠는 제가 제작했으며, 모든 저작권은 리메이하 유튜브 채널에 있습니다.
- 17K subscribers,
- 172 videos
Views/7days | 7,135 |
Like/Views | 2.9% |
Last Updated | 3일 전 |
Lord's Glory Children's Foundation
We are taking care of over 50 children and we aim at transforming lives of the poor orphan children and the homeless people. Support us via link in bio 🙏.
- 41K subscribers,
- 189 videos
Like/Views | 1.7% |
Last Updated | 2일 전 |
Monkey Asia-Zone
Welcome to Monkey Asia-Zone Channel.Monkey is one of all species of creatures which their activities for feeding their children,taking care of their families and fighting for expanding their empire are very likely to Human's activities.There are two kinds of monkeys in my community.
Long tail monkeys and pig tail monkeys.In the same big area surrounded by tropical forest where they are living divided into different controlled zones .My channel specializes in making entertaining video about daily of baby monkeys living in public park here with their nature life.
I would like to apologize you guys if I get any mistakes about filming to touch your heart but I will try all my best to correct myself and let you understand some for all cute babies monkeys.
Don't Forget Subscribe, Like, Comment & share videos for more motivation ,
- 5.2K subscribers,
- 1.2K videos
Views/7days | 92 |
Like/Views | 1.3% |
Last Updated | 2일 전 |
George Sachs PsyD
The Sachs Center is a full service boutique practice focused on the testing and treatment of ADD/ADHD and Aspergers in children, teens and adults. We go beyond labels, taking a holistic, person-centered approach to treatment. No labels, just individualized care and attention.
We don't see you as a diagnosis or set of symptoms, but rather as a person with strengths and weaknesses. We believe the client-therapist relationship is the key to real change. We will treat you with respect, building trust and working together to bring more joy and success into your life.
While our staff is versed in the latest science and research, we don't see our clients as a diagnosis or constellation of symptoms. We believe that everyone is unique, with different histories, circumstances and approaches to dealing with life.
- 3.9K subscribers,
- 257 videos
Like/Views | 4.6% |
Last Updated | 11일 전 |
The Mills Family
As a family of 11 in a small house we're always looking for new ways to organize life! We're a "homey" family- home school, home business, home birth, herbal home healthcare and home church. My heart's desire is to help other moms find peace and joy realizing that God is in control, you don't need a big house to have a big family, homeschooling is totally do-able, organized doesn't mean perfect, taking care of your family without a doctor isn't that hard (even giving birth without one!), the world isn't about to come to an end, your children are doing just fine and so are you! We use ACE curriculum with lots of Charlotte Mason methods thrown in the mix. Come along while we share our lives with you and, hopefully, become friends through the process!
- 85K subscribers,
- 1.6K videos
Views/7days | 6,942 |
Super Chat | US$7,252 |
Like/Views | 8.7% |
Last Updated | 6일 전 |
Welcome to Boys Town National Research Hospital’s home for health content, parenting tips and expert physician information.
Boys Town National Research Hospital is internationally recognized as a leader in clinical and research programs focusing on childhood deafness, visual impairment and related communication disorders. We have developed national medical programs that are now instituted in hospitals and clinics across the country.
The hospital offers a broad range of clinical services, including:
Allergy, Asthma, Immunology and Pulmonology
Behavioral health
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Ear, Nose and Throat
Internal Medicine
Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
Pediatric Care
We’re changing the way America cares for children, families and communities.
- 60K subscribers,
- 1K videos
Views/7days | 107 |
Like/Views | 0.2% |
Last Updated | 12일 전 |
Views/7days | 23,644 |
Like/Views | 3.7% |
Last Updated | 4일 전 |
Lý Hồng Ca
Hello everyone..
My name is Ly Hong Ca. I'm 17 years old this year. When I was 7 years old, I lost my way home after following my siblings. I wandered around in strange places for 10 years. I did all sorts of jobs, from begging for food to working as a hired laborer, to survive. With the hope of finding my loved ones, that small house had my father, mother, and siblings. waiting for me to return.
I am now a mother. Today, my daughter Tieu Hong and I are on our way to return to our homeland. In my memory, that place is a countryside. My house is located at the foot of the mountain, a house with a tiled roof. In front of the house there is a fish pond and a stream. brook.
I shared my journey to find my family and raise my daughter Tieu Hong.
Please continue with me. on every journey. Let me know I am not alone. Thank you. Wishing you and your family peace and health.
Follow every video by clicking and subscribing to my channel.
- 36K subscribers,
- 158 videos
Views/7days | 39,135 |
Super Chat | US$10 |
Like/Views | 5.2% |
Last Updated | 2일 전 |
Simply Southern
We are a retired married couple just living life. We live in South Texas and have 2 dogs, goats and chickens. Join in and see what happens.
- 13K subscribers,
- 41 videos
Super Chat | US$537 |
Like/Views | 16.2% |
Last Updated | 7일 전 |
PlayToon Land – Fun Education
Welcome to our channel where learning is an adventure!
This is the official Shorts channel of PlayToon Land – Fun Education. Get ready to explore, discover, and learn something new every day! 🪁😎
- 4.5K subscribers,
- 51 videos
Like/Views | 0.3% |
Last Updated | 7달 전 |