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Official Youtube Channel of the International Wushu Federation (IWUF) Website: Facebook Page: Twitter: Instagram:
  • 72K subscribers,
  • 1.1K videos
Last Updated13 days ago


CANAL DE WUSHU KUNG FU EN ESPAÑOL Destreza, Salud y Energia! Fundado el 1ro. de febrero de 2008, el Club Argentino de Wushu se ha dedicado a la difusión del Wushu/Kungfu y la cultura China en la Argentina, enfocando el esfuerzo en compartir y sumar materiales para todos los practicantes del idioma español. A lo largo de estos años pasaron miles de alumnos por la institución, formando así atletas y practicantes de todos los niveles y edades. El Wushu es el fruto y la evolución de los diferentes estilos milenarios de artes marciales chinas, fusionando el espíritu tradicional y el alto rendimiento deportivo. Esta disciplina no solo se enfoca en el desarrollo de un sistema de lucha o combate, sino también en el trabajo corporal y mental para mejorar la salud, elevar la energía y adquirir destreza física, con lo cual cada practicante puede elegir el estilo más conveniente para la práctica, adecuando así a las aptitudes físicas individuales.
  • 363K subscribers,
  • 550 videos
Last Updated14 days ago

Wushu Türk TV

Wushu Kung Fu sporu, tek başına federasyon olma özelliğine daha önceden de hak etmesine rağmen , ancak 2006 yılında Türkiye Wushu Federasyonu olarak kurulmuş, müstakil federasyon olarak faaliyetlerine başlamıştır. 10.02.2008 tarihli ve 27137 sayılı Resmi Gazete ‘ de Türkiye Wushu Federasyonu’na İdari ve Mali yönden özerklik verilmesine dair karar yayınlanmıştır . Takiben , 26.08.2009 tarihli 27331 sayılı Resmi gazete ile Türkiye Wushu Federasyonu Ana Statüsü’ nde Özerk Spor Federasyonu olarak kayda geçmiştir. Federasyonumuzun Bağımsız Spor Federasyonu ünvanını alması ise 01.10.2014 tarihli 29136 sayılı Resmi Gazete aracılığı ile ilan edilmiştir. Uluslararası Wushu Federasyonu’nun (İWUF), Wushu ismiyle beraber Kung-Fu isminin de kullanılması yönünde takındığı tutuma kayıtsız kalmayan federasyonumuz 08.03.2018 tarihli ve30354 sayılı Resmi Gazete ile Türkiye Wushu Kung-fu Federasyonu olarak isim değişikliğini gerçekleştirmiştir.
  • 6.8K subscribers,
  • 45 videos
Last Updated4 years ago

Luiz Pessanha ( Tino )

Técnicas do Autêntico Shaolin do Norte 北少林拳門 ( Běi Shaò Lín Quán Mén Guó Shù Guăn ) Linhagem do Grão Mestre Chan Kowk Wai ( Shīfù Chén Guó Wěi ) Rio de Janeiro Sob á supervisão da Shīmù Lucilene Lu e Shīfù Luiz Pessanha Bi Campeão 🏆 🏆 Brasileiro e Vice Campeão 🏆 🏆 Mundial de Kung Fu Wushu Combate IWUF na Categoria Até 80 KG Sanda com 41 anos de experiência no Kung Fu e Tai Chi Chuan Estilo Yang ☯ Tradicional e CEO do Espaço Chi Endereço = Rua Senador Vergueiro, 250 A - Loja H Bairro Flamengo ☎ ☎ ( 021 ) 2553 5544 e 98652-8786
  • 1.4K subscribers,
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It is kindly requested to subscribe Wushu-Taolu-Sanda channel #Wushu #Sanda #TAOLU #Sport #IWUF
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Пьедестал TV | Pedestal TV

Пьедестал TV - cпортивный канал! Мы рады делиться с вами прямыми трансляциями различных соревнований. На нашем канале вы можете найти трансляции любительских и профессиональных турниров по различным видам спорта таких как карате, ушу, дзюдо, таэквондо, а так же соревнованиям по настольным играм и многим других событиям с соревновательным моментом. Мы уделяем большое внимание развитию детского спорта и стараемся транслировать соревнования будущих чемпионов. Подписывайтесь на наш канал, делитесь им с друзьями. Канал молодой и сможет развиваться и транслировать больше видов спорта, если вы поддержите наши начинания и подпишитесь. В рамках прямых трансляций мы разыгрываем различные призы среди своих подписчиков, поэтому не пропускайте их - подписывайтесь на обновления (ставьте колокольчик).
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UFC Martial Club

Wushu (/ˌwuːˈʃuː/), or Chinese Kungfu, is a hard and soft and complete martial art, as well as a full-contact sport. It has a long history in reference to Chinese martial arts. It was developed in 1949 in an effort to standardize the practice of traditional Chinese martial arts, yet attempts to structure the various decentralized martial arts traditions date back earlier, when the Central Guoshu Institute was established at Nanking in 1928. "Wushu" is the Chinese term for "martial arts" (武 "Wu" = military or martial, 術 "Shu" = art). In contemporary times, Wushu has become an international sport under the International Wushu Federation (IWUF), which holds the World Wushu Championships every two years as well as other. Wushu has become an official event at the Asian Games, Southeast Asian Games, and the World Combat Games among other multi-sport events.
  • 13K subscribers,
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Wushu Kung-Fu Master Rakesh Haldar

Om Hare Krishna 🙏🇮🇳 Welcome everyone to my YouTube Channel “Wushu Kung-Fu Master Rakesh Haldar”. Here I would like to say to everyone that I am Rakesh Haldar, Wushu Kung-Fu Master who is from India and I am also qualified international wushu Judge from International Wushu Federation (IWUF), National team coach, NSNIS Coach etc. Specialization in- Wushu Tai Chi, Qi Gong Traditional kung-fu Wing Chun etc.. Teaching and learning is my habit because wushu kung-fu is the basis of my life.That’s why I want all the people to learn this arts from a beginner level to an appropriate level. The purpose of this channel is to fulfill the hope of all those people who can achieve victory in their self -defense as well as competition etc.. Anyone who wants to learn this arts, contact me on the number given below, +91 9717762003 My email ID - You can take training through both offline and online mode.
  • 1.7K subscribers,
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Chanel W

Wushu Kabupaten Kuningan adalah tempat pengembangan beladiri. Tujuannya untuk mencapai prestasi tinggi baik di gelaran olahraga multievent seperti Pekan Olahraga Daerah (Porda), Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON), Sea Games, Asian Games dan Olimpiade. Selain itu meraih prestasi di single event wushu yaitu Kejuaraan Daerah (Kejurda), Kejuaraan Nasional (Kejurnas), Kejuaraan Asia dan International Championship yang dilaksanakan International Wushu Federation (IWUF). Mencapai prestasi tinggi harus berlatih keras sesuai jadwal latihan. Sebab hasil berlatih akan tampak di pertandingan tidak bisa dibohongi. Jika tak berlatih atau tidak sesuai jadwal latihan maka hasilnya pun akan tampak yakni hanya kesia-siaan alias buang waktu saja. Maka jangan berhenti berlatih keras supaya tujuan tercapai .... jiayo ..... semangat
  • 2.2K subscribers,
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Junfeng Martial Arts

Master Junfeng Zhang (Jacky) is the holder of China Wushu 7th Dan. Master Zhang is the disciple of the grand master Liu Jinru (9th Dan), a great master of Xingyi Quan and Bagua Zhang; Master Zhang's Wushu teaching programs have been repeatedly broadcast at China Central Television (China's only national TV station). At the invitation of the International Wushu Federation (IWUF), Master Zhang assisted his master Liu Jingru in coaching Bagua Zhang at the International Wushu Coach Training Camp in 2015. The personal memorial stamps issued by China Post showcase Master Zhang's significant achievements in Wushu. Being one of the main creators of the WU-style Tai Chi Teaching Program of the Chinese Wushu Dan System. 张峻峰,中国武术7段, 武术家。 师承一代宗师刘敬儒先生系统学习程式八卦掌及器械,形意拳及六合螳螂拳; 师承著名吴式太极拳家李秉慈先生系统学习吴式太极拳械; 师承杨式太极拳传人张勇涛先生系统学习传统杨式太极拳械; 师承陈式太极拳名家谢志根先生学习陈式太极拳及推手。 1999年和2017年两次应中央电视台邀请拍摄传统杨式太极拳系列教学节目,并在中央电视台播出; 2008年应中国武术协会邀请参与创编中国武术段位制吴式太极拳教程,并拍摄教学片;2015年应国际武术联合会邀请协助恩师刘敬儒先生在国际传统武术教练员训练营中传授程式八卦掌;
  • 2K subscribers,
  • 0 videos

JIAYO Wushu News and Media

Worldwide wushu news and media since 2004. and it's social media channels are edited by Brandon Sugiyama.
  • 6.1K subscribers,
  • 243 videos
Last Updated9 months ago


Channel dedicated to Kung Fu / Wu Shu in all its dimentions. Teaching materials, Wushu competitions and more!
  • 2.3K subscribers,
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Tong Yuan WUSHU

L'International Tong Yuan Wushu Association è un'associazione di promozione sociale che persegue la finalità di diffondere e promuovere la cultura delle arti marziali cinesi (Wushu) tramite la trasmissione delle conoscenze del Maestro Guan Tieyun, preside della facoltà di Wushu della città di Shenyang nel Liaoning (RPC), membro della commissione permanete dell'IWUF, capo scuola degli stili del Wu Xing Tong Bei Quan e Yuan Yang Quan, ricercatore nel campo delle arti marziali tradizionali cinesi e delle ginnastiche ad esse connesse.
  • 3.7K subscribers,
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  • 3K subscribers,
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