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iNaya Records ኢናያ ሪከርድስ 1

iNaya Records is the First channel that pays for Neshida & Menzuma works cost in Ethiopia. Get paid! We'll pay you every 4 months for your work, including the publishing fee for any new releases including single Neshida Or Menzuma's and albums!
  • 104K subscribers,
  • 342 videos
Last Updated14 days ago

Muaz Habib - official

ይህ የሙነሺድ ሙአዝ ሀቢብ ይፋዊ የዩቲዩብ ቻናል ነው ፣ በዚህ ቻናል ከሚቀርቡ ፕሮግራሞች መሀከል ✔አዳዲስ የነሺዳ አልበሞች ✔አዳዲስ ለየት ያሉ ከቨር ስራዎች ✔የተለያዩ ጣፋጭ ቂራአቶች ✔የተለያዩ ዲናዊ ፕሮግራሞች ✔እኒህን እና መሰል አሪፍ አሪፍ ስራዎችን ያገኛሉ ✔ቻናላችንን ሰብስክራይብ በማድረግ እንዲሁም ከጎን ያለችዋንም የደውል ምልክት መጫን አይርሱ ማሳሰቢያ፡ ሁሉም የሙአዝ ሀቢብ ስራዎች ኮፒራይት መብታቸው የተጠበቁ በመሆናቸው ማንም አካል አውርዶ መልሶ ለመጫን የሚሞክር አካል ካለ በዩቱብ ህግ መሰረት ያስጠይቀዋል
  • 228K subscribers,
  • 164 videos
Last Updated16 days ago

Tofik Yusuf

My name is Tofik Yusuf. I am a servant of Allah who strives to spread Islam to the world as much as I can.My main goal is to seek the presence of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala and seek the Paradise of the believers, do not forget me in your prayers so that Allah will make my work for Him and His alone.
  • 139K subscribers,
  • 288 videos
Last Updated9 days ago

AL Faruq Tube

بيان الحق/clarify the truth
  • 152K subscribers,
  • 441 videos
Last Updated3 days ago
Last Updated6 months ago


Presenting Islamic nashidas, menzumas and daiwas in afaan oromo, amharic and arabic Menzuma: Menzuma/manzuma is a native and unique caltural and religious style of song performed by Ethiopian Sufi Muslims. It is believed to start in early days of Islam in Ethiopia. It can be catagorized in 3 different catagories: Engurguro( slow vocal only type), Dibe(faster version with drum) and Berzenj(mixiture of both engurguro and dibe alternating between zem) #nashida #menzuma #Afaan oromo nashida #Amharic Nashida
  • 22K subscribers,
  • 111 videos
Last Updated3 months ago

Sualih Mohammed -Official

ይህ የኔ የሷሊህ ሙሀመድ ይፋዊ የዩቱብ ቻናል ነው፡፡ በዚህ ቻናል ወደ እናንተ ከማቀርባቸው ስራዎች መካከል፡ 👉 አዳዲስ ነጠላ፣ እና ሙሉ አልበም መንዙማዎች 👉 ምርጥ ምርጥ መንዙማዎች 👉 ለየት ያሉ እንዲሁም ያልታዩ የመድረክ ስራዎች 👉 ድንቅ ድንቅ የተቀረፁ የሀድራ ስራዎች ይገኙበታል የዩቱብ ቻናሌን ሰብስክራይብ በማድረግ እና የደውል🔔 ምልክቷን በመጫን የዚህ ድንቅ የሀድራ ጉዞ ትቀላቀሉኝ ስል በአክብሮት እጋብዛለው፡፡ ❤አላሁመ ሶሊ እያልን እንሂድ ❤ወደ ደጉ ነቢ ወደ ሙሀመድ
  • 30K subscribers,
  • 50 videos
Last Updated6 days ago

Mizan Media

Mizan Tube is an internet tv station working on Ethiopian affairs.
  • 16K subscribers,
  • 27 videos
Last Updated5 days ago


WELL COME MARHABAN Baga Nagaan gara SOOF-UMAR dhuftan Chanalli keenya Qophiilee Nama Bohaarsan Barsiisan Bashannansiisan Kan akka Baaroo Nashiida Fii Manzuuma Da'awaa isiniif dhiheessa #SUBSCRIBE #SHARE #LIKE gochuun nugargaaraa
  • 21K subscribers,
  • 73 videos
Last Updated9 days ago

AL Hadra Tube

አል ሐድራ መልቲሚዲያ ፕሮዳክሽ በሀገራችን ኢትዮጲያ በድምቀት የሚከበረውን የሰይዳችንንﷺ የመውሊድ በዓል በተለያዩ ሀገራት በመንቀሳቀስ በሚዲያው ዘርፍ ተደራሽነቱን በይበልጥ ለማስፋፋት እየሰራ የሚገኝ የሚዲያ ተቋም ነው። الحضرة لإنتاج الوسائط المتعددة هي مؤسسة إعلامية تعمل على نشر قصة كبار علماء الصوفية الأوائل وتنقل لكم كيف يحتفل مولد سيدنا محمد ﷺ الذي يحتفل به في إثيوبيا عامة Al-Hadra Multimedia Production is a media company that is working to expand it's reach in the media sector by operating in different parts of our country to celebrate the birth of our Prophet ﷺ. #ራዕይ የሀገራችንን ዒስላማዊ ታሪኮች፣ ከሀገርም አልፎ በዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ የሚያስተላልፍ ትልቅ ሚዲያ መሆን። #ተልዕኮ ሙያዊ ብቃት ባላቸው ወንድም እና እህቶች በመታገዝ ወቅታዊ እና ዘመናዊ ቴክኖሎጂ በመጠቀም ጥራቱን የጠበቀ የቪዲዮ ምስል፣ዶክመንተሪ እንዲሁም ሌሎች ስራዎችን በፍጥነት ማሰራጨት ቁልፍ ተልዕኳችን ሲሆን ለሀገራችን የባህል እና ቱሪዝም እድገት የበኩላችንን አስተዋፆ በማበርከት በኢስላሚክ ሚዲያ ውስጥ ቀዳሚ ሚና መጫወት። ለበለጠ መረጃ Email alhadramultimediaproduction@gamil.com +251911460294 +251944290448 Al Hadra Multimedia Production & Event P.L.C
  • 31K subscribers,
  • 372 videos
Last Updated5 days ago

Hawlet Tube

It is said that the first Ethiopian woman, Munsheed, was a volunteer as well as an inspiration.
  • 80K subscribers,
  • 128 videos
Super ChatRUB 627
Last Updated5 days ago

Bilal Tv

Bilal TV was established by social media in 2012 under the name Bilal Tube. It has been producing a number of social, economic and political programs for the past nine years. We know from our comments that millions of people in Ethiopia are watching our TV shows, we have about 700,000 followers on our social media pages and more than 5 million people visit our pages every month. The money we receive from the sponsorship will be used to cover the cost of the news program and improve the quality in all its aspects. Core values Patience, perseverance, and determination. Our vision Our vision is that we believe that every citizen has the right to information and that it is our vision to enable him or her to exercise this right to the fullest extent possible. Inform your country and the rest of the world.
  • 428K subscribers,
  • 2.3K videos
Last Updated5 days ago

Salah Mohamed

This official munshid Salah Mohammed t.me/salahmohammadofficial
  • 50K subscribers,
  • 52 videos
Last Updated14 days ago

Jibril Tube - ጅብሪል ቲዩብ

አሰላሙ ዐለይኩም ወራሕመቱሏሂ ወበረካቱሁ; እንኳን ወደ ተወዳጁ, Jibril Tube - ጅብሪል ቲዩብ, በደህና መጡ። ይህ yeእንደነ ሸህ ሁሴን ጅብሪል ያሉ የቀደምት ታላላቅ የ ኢትዮጵያ አውሊያዎችና ዑለማዎች አስገራሚ ትንቢታዊ ግጥሞች እና ሚስጢራዊ ጥበቦች, አስተማሪ እና አዝናኝ ፕሮግራሞች, ወቅታዊ ጉዳዮች, ዜናዎች, ፖለቲካዊ እና ማህበራዊ, ፕሮግራሞችን ከታማኝ ምንጮቻችን በየጊዜው የሚለቀቅበት ቻናል ነው። በተጨማሪም የትም ያልተሰሙ የወሎ ሐድራ, መንዙማ, ነሽዳ, ቂሷ, ዳዕዋዎች እና ቅርአቶች ያገኛሉ። ሰብስክራይብ ያድርጉን ቤተሰብ እንሁን። Welcome to, @JibrilTube, a channel where an amazing prophetic poems & secretive wisdoms of an ancient Ethiopian Muslim Scholars such as, Sheh Husen Jibril Tinbit, Entertainments, Ethiopian News, Politics, Social, Cultural & Religious issues are regularly released from our genuine sources. In addition to those you will also find the unheard of Wollo Hadra, Ethiopian Menzuma, Neshda, Qisua, Da'wah and beautiful Qura'n recitation. Subscribe us and become our family.
  • 45K subscribers,
  • 477 videos
Last Updated2 days ago

Nesru Kedir official

Aselamu Aleykum Wererhmetulahi Weberekatu. Hi! I’m Nesru Kedir ( Ethiopian Muslim Artist ). On my channel, you will find Neshida (Islamic Song). I love Neshida and sharing my experiences with you. Subscribe to see more Neshida, Menzuma, and Islamic Knowledge on your feed! I currently upload my old and new single Neshida Videos. I try to make more new Neshida clip and cover lots of cool idea such as Education, motivation, inspiration, Information and Islamic Entertainment videos that will help Muslim Community. አሰላሙ አለይኩም ውድ ወዳጆቼ... እኔ ነስሩ ከድር (ኢትዮጵያዊ አርቲስት) ነኝ። በኔ ቻናል ነሺዳ ( እስላማዊ መዝሙር ) እና ኢስላማዊ ትምህርቶች ያገኛሉ። ነሺዳን እወዳለሁ እና ልምዶቼን ለእርስዎ አካፍላለሁ። ተጨማሪ ነሺዳ ፣ መንዙማ እና እስላማዊ እውቀት በቻናሌ ላይ ለማየት ሰብስክራይብ ያድርጉ!። የበለጠ አዲስ የነሺዳ ስራዎችን፣ አስተማሪ የሆኑ ስራዎችን ለመሥራት እና እስላማዊ መዝናኛ ቪዲዮዎችን የመሳሰሉ ብዙ አሪፍ ሀሳቦችን ለመሸፈን እሞክራለሁ። ስለብሮነታችሁ እና ስለድጋፋችሁ ጀዛክአላህ ኸይር። GET IN TOUCH Contact us on nesrukedir02@gmail.com MUNSHID NESRU KEDIR August, 2022
  • 44K subscribers,
  • 35 videos
Last Updated4 months ago

Abdi Bateno

Welcome to my channel Abdi Bateno. I hope you will enjoy the different collection of music & Ethiopian Amharic Movies prepared for you. Relax and enjoy your time. 🔔If you like the channel, make sure to like, subscribe & share ! 🔔 I strive to find the best and most enjoyable music and movies for you guys! I hope to make your days more beautiful with the music & movies i prepare and share ! Have a nice day. Thanks For Watching My Video. Subscribe my channel Abdi Bateno - https://www.youtube.com/@AbdiBateno Music, Funny Moments & Ethiopian Amharic movies to listen or view more entertaining music & Movies. With Love, 🅼🅰🅺🅴 🆂🆄🆁🅴 🆂🆄🅱🆂🅲🆁🅸🅱🅴 🅻🅸🅺🅴 & 🆂🅷🅰🆁🅴 #abdibateno #Ethiopia #neshida #tereka #newmusic #Ebstv #shorts #nichlmao #ytshorts #amharicaudiobook #ትረካ #ሀላባ #newmusic #tiktok #viral
  • 10K subscribers,
  • 679 videos
Last Updated4 days ago

Zaeferan Records

  • 26K subscribers,
  • 26 videos
Last Updated10 days ago

Ahlaq media-አህላቅ ሚዲያ

🇪🇹 እንኳን ወደ አህላቅ ሚዲያ በሰላም መጡ 🇪🇹 እናንተን የሚመጥን ኢትዮጵያዊ መንዙማዎች ነሺዳ እንዲሁም ኢስላማዊ ወንድማማችነትን የሚያጠናክሩ ጉዳዮች ላይ ያተኮሩ ቪዲዮች ያገኙበታል በተጨማሪ ኢስላማዊ ታሪኮች እና የጀግኖች ታሪኮች እንዲሁም የሀገራት ታሪኮች ይቀርብበታል ሳብስክራይብ በማድረግ ቤተሰብ ይሁኑ እናመሰግናለን 🇪🇹 Welcome to Ahlaq Media safely 🇪🇹 You will find suitable Ethiopian Menzuma Neshida and videos focused on issues that strengthen the Islamic brotherhood. In addition, Islamic stories and stories of heroes and stories of countries are presented Thank you for subscribing and becoming a family
  • 24K subscribers,
  • 55 videos
Last Updateda year ago

ነሲሓ ቲቪ Nesiha TV

ነሲሓ ቲቪ Nesiha Tv The official YouTube channel of Ethiopian TV channel Nesiha. Nesiha TV Join us on Nilesat Frequency: 11555 or 11554 Polarization: Vertical Symbol rate: 27500 You can follow selected Lectures and duroos http://www.nesiha.tv
  • 65K subscribers,
  • 410 videos
Last Updated3 days ago

Ambassel Tube

Ambassel Records was founded by Fekadu Wari Gerbi in Addis Abeba Ethiopia in 1976. Ambassel Music and Film Producer P.L.C is a production and record label company known for recording and distributing quality and variety records and productions in Ethiopia and the rest of the world. We pride ourself to have worked with East Africa's Legends and Ethiopia's best talents. Ambassel, as an innovative production company, is the pioneer in producing Music videos and comedy shows on VCDs, Music videos, Movies on VCDs, Documentary films in Ethiopia. A few of our video productions are: Modern songs ranging from amateur singers to Tilahun Gessese, Cultural songs ranging from amateur to Baheru Kagne and Yirga Dubale, Ethnic and nationalities song ranging from amateur to Tadele Gemechu, 2 in 1, 3 in 1, 4 in 1 and various collections, Somali songs, Sudan songs, Instrumentals, Menzuma, Spiritual Orthodox songs, Comedy songs. visit www.ambassel.net for more!
  • 88K subscribers,
  • 932 videos
Last Updateda year ago