Athlean-XX for Women YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

The home for workouts specifically geared towards women! While we all can appreciate a flat stomach and wanting to get skinny, we focus on helping our women develop strong, toned muscles that are lean, athletic and most of all...healthy! Be sure to subscribe to our channel and get all of our latest workout videos, challenges and tips as we release them. Guess what else, we're not just about workouts for women, we focus on diet plans for those wanting to get a flatter stomach as well! That means, you'll find plenty of helpful nutrition videos on our channel too. So keep watching and we'll help you get leaner legs, slimmer thighs, toned arms to die for, and yes...we'll even help you get abs if you want them! Strong. Lean. Athletic. ATHLEAN! Want to get the man in your life in shape? Be sure to point him over to our men's workout channel at Yep, we can fix him too!Athlean-XX for Women
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ItemNormal VideoPromotion VideoCompare
Number of videos9190-
Update Frequency 6 / Month --
Last update a year ago / 2023.01.28--
Avg. Views 82,808 --
Avg. Like/Views 1.52% --
Avg. Comment/Views 0.04% --

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