Hazie Chek YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

"Welcome To My World" This channel is a space for me to share my daily activities and my personal life, my life as a wife, single child, and a teacher. This is the first reason I created this youtube channel. To save a video for future gaze, and for a glimpse of family members and close friends. At the same time this channel also features history and info about the state of Sarawak. As a note for the young generation of Sarawakians. As long as there is support from various parties, I will continue to share the video in this youtube. If you like my channel, do not forget to give your support. So please, LIKE, COMMENTS, SHARE, and, SUBSCRIBE MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL. 🙏 Your generosity helped subscribe my channel, I appreciate it so much. Thank you. Love, Hazie Chek ❤️Hazie Chek
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VERY LOW, 0.1% of subscribers

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"Welcome To My World"

This channel is a space for me to share my daily activities and my personal life, my life as a wife, single child, and a teacher. This is the first reason I created this youtube channel. To save a video for future gaze, and for a glimpse of family members and close friends.

At the same time this channel also features history and info about the state of Sarawak. As a note for the young generation of Sarawakians.

As long as there is support from various parties, I will continue to share the video in this youtube.

If you like my channel, do not forget to give your support. So please, LIKE, COMMENTS, SHARE, and, SUBSCRIBE MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL. 🙏 Your generosity helped subscribe my channel, I appreciate it so much. Thank you.

Hazie Chek ❤️