Julia Kristina Counselling YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

A brain-changing cross between mental wellness and personal development. These videos will help you understand what's going on in your mind and emotions, and then giving you the tools to make the necessary changes to help you feel happier, more confident, and less anxious so you can love yourself, others and your life better everyday. The tools I teach are research-backed, cognitive science strategies including those from CBT, Mindfulness & Self-Compassion.Julia Kristina Counselling
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A brain-changing cross between mental wellness and personal development. These videos will help you understand what's going on in your mind and emotions, and then giving you the tools to make the necessary changes to help you feel happier, more confident, and less anxious so you can love yourself, others and your life better everyday. 

The tools I teach are research-backed, cognitive science strategies including those from CBT, Mindfulness & Self-Compassion.