Bhooka Saand YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Stay informed on the best dining experiences in India by subscribing to Bhooka Saand, a food channel hosted by Pujneet Singh. Pujneet, a tech professional working as an IT Head in a US firm in New Delhi, dedicates his weekends to his passion for food and sharing his knowledge through his channel. With recognition as a TEDx Speaker and features in various national and international media outlets, including YouTube Fanfest 2019, join Bhooka Saand for a culinary journey. Contact Pujneet for collaboration opportunities at Bhooka Saand
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  • Subscribers
  • 856,000
  • -
  • Views
  • 179,322,050
  • 83,484 / d
  • Videos
  • 851
  • 3 Per Week

Subscribers Rank

Downward trend

Avg. Video Views

VERY LOW, 4.1% of subscribers

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Stay informed on the best dining experiences in India by subscribing to Bhooka Saand, a food channel hosted by Pujneet Singh. Pujneet, a tech professional working as an IT Head in a US firm in New Delhi, dedicates his weekends to his passion for food and sharing his knowledge through his channel. With recognition as a TEDx Speaker and features in various national and international media outlets, including YouTube Fanfest 2019, join Bhooka Saand for a culinary journey.

Contact Pujneet for collaboration opportunities at