田纳西Jay和Ari YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

For Chinese Businesses 商业合作邮箱:lanb2333@gmail.com We are a Chinese and American international couple and we are so thankful we get to share our lives with you here! We enjoy sharing our love for cooking authentic Chinese cuisine and the many life adventures that come with being in a cross-cultural relationship! We would love for you to join our big family here! 我们是中美夫妻,2020年三月份在美国结的婚。非常期待可以分享我们的生活和故事给您。我们因为中国美食相遇、相知。我目前在美国教授汉语,我老婆她教中国学生英语,我们都是老师。我们希望可以让您了解更多东西方文化的融合和差异,也希望您可以成为我们的新朋友!田纳西Jay和Ari
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For Chinese Businesses 商业合作邮箱:lanb2333@gmail.com

We are a Chinese and American international couple and we are so thankful we get to share our lives with you here! We enjoy sharing our love for cooking authentic Chinese cuisine and the many life adventures that come with being in a cross-cultural relationship! We would love for you to join our big family here!
