Kentucky Afield YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Explore Kentucky from the comfort of your easy chair with Kentucky Afield. The show about wildlife, hunting, fishing, and fun in Kentucky's outdoors. Kentucky Afield is the nation's longest running hunting and fishing show. Each week, we get mud on our boots in a different part of the state. It could be hunting deer, wild turkey at Peabody WMA or stalking elk in coal country. You may spot us in your sights hunting geese in the back water sloughs of Henderson or Ballard County or boating to the bass on Lake Cumberland. #1076077Kentucky Afield
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Explore Kentucky from the comfort of your easy chair with Kentucky Afield. The show about wildlife, hunting, fishing, and fun in Kentucky's outdoors.
Kentucky Afield is the nation's longest running hunting and fishing show.
Each week, we get mud on our boots in a different part of the state. It could be hunting deer, wild turkey at Peabody WMA or stalking elk in coal country. You may spot us in your sights hunting geese in the back water sloughs of Henderson or Ballard County or boating to the bass on Lake Cumberland. #1076077