LBC YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Welcome to LBC – the home of live debate on YouTube. Whether you want the latest on current affairs, news or want to join in the conversation around UK politics and culture, or you simply want to be entertained by our outspoken hosts, LBC is the YouTube channel for you. We bring you the latest interviews, news and commentary so you will always be up to date on what is happening in the UK, Europe and beyond. Listen to the best current affairs shows in the world or phone in and talk with the likes of James O’Brien, Andrew Marr and Nick Ferrari, along with the big-name guests who are at the centre of the key stories of the day. With news and current affairs home and abroad - and the best callers in the world - LBC is Leading Britain’s Conversation so make sure you are subscribed so you never miss a word of it.LBC
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  • Subscribers
  • 774,000
  • 1,000 / d
  • Views
  • 505,389,830
  • 582,647 / d
  • Videos
  • 7,412
  • 68 Per Week

Subscribers Rank

Upward trend

Avg. Video Views

VERY LOW, 7.9% of subscribers

Live Streaming Stats

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Total Live Streams

2,099 Times
6 times a week

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Welcome to LBC – the home of live debate on YouTube.

Whether you want the latest on current affairs, news or want to join in the conversation around UK politics and culture, or you simply want to be entertained by our outspoken hosts, LBC is the YouTube channel for you.

We bring you the latest interviews, news and commentary so you will always be up to date on what is happening in the UK, Europe and beyond.

Listen to the best current affairs shows in the world or phone in and talk with the likes of James O’Brien, Andrew Marr and Nick Ferrari, along with the big-name guests who are at the centre of the key stories of the day.

With news and current affairs home and abroad - and the best callers in the world - LBC is Leading Britain’s Conversation so make sure you are subscribed so you never miss a word of it.