Welcome to Christocentric Message Community. On this community, we help you to grow in Christ by the messages of selected seasoned men of God who have given us permission to share their videos on social media. Ministers on this channel are: Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Arome Osayi,Apostle Eric Nyamekye,Apostle Daniel Clad,Apostle Orokpo Micheal, Prophet Atsu Manasseh, Dr. George Wilfred Arthur, Pastor Hillary, Pastor Caleb, and many more. Visit us every day and keep growing in Christ. Take our time to go through every simple content before releasing them to you here on YouTube. Where necessary and possible, we do LIVE STREAMS from the approved ministers. Do well and check the original commentaries of each video to be able to follow the official media handles of the minister on this community. We are open to broadcast your gospel messages as well. Just contact us..! Software used at our place to make you empowered through our videos is OBS, Adobe Photoshop CC, and Adobe Illustrator.CHRISTOCENTRIC MESSAGE
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Welcome to Christocentric Message Community. On this community, we help you to grow in Christ by the messages of selected seasoned men of God who have given us permission to share their videos on social media. Ministers on this channel are:
Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Arome Osayi,Apostle Eric Nyamekye,Apostle Daniel Clad,Apostle Orokpo Micheal, Prophet Atsu Manasseh, Dr. George Wilfred Arthur, Pastor Hillary, Pastor Caleb, and many more. Visit us every day and keep growing in Christ. Take our time to go through every simple content before releasing them to you here on YouTube. Where necessary and possible, we do LIVE STREAMS from the approved ministers. Do well and check the original commentaries of each video to be able to follow the official media handles of the minister on this community. We are open to broadcast your gospel messages as well. Just contact us..!
Software used at our place to make you empowered through our videos is OBS, Adobe Photoshop CC, and Adobe Illustrator.