P&G (Procter & Gamble) Latinoamérica YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

P&G está presente en la vida de las personas y en sus momentos cotidianos con las mejores marcas alrededor del mundo. Descúbre todo lo que P&G tiene para ti en tu país. P&G is present in the lives of people and their everyday moments with the best brands around the world. Discover all that P&G has for you in your country. At P&G, we are focused on building consumer-preferred brands and products that create value for consumers and shareowners.P&G (Procter & Gamble) Latinoamérica
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  • 54,800
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  • 4,345,327
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  • 30
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VERY LOW, 23.3% of subscribers

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P&G está presente en la vida de las personas y en sus momentos cotidianos con las mejores marcas alrededor del mundo. Descúbre todo lo que P&G tiene para ti en tu país. 

P&G is present in the lives of people and their everyday moments with the best brands around the world. Discover all that P&G has for you in your country.
At P&G, we are focused on building consumer-preferred brands and products that create value for consumers and shareowners.