theoknoopkapper YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Welcome Everyone! This is a educational hairdressing channel where i'll show you a lot of different beautiful hairstyles and people. I love working on people and giving them the hairstyle they desire, thats why i want to share this with all of you too! There are videos on a wide variety of tools, and many different brands of products! Hope you enjoy my content, if you do please subscribe so you can see my latest content. With hairdressers love, Theo Knoop theoknoopkapper
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Welcome Everyone!

This is a educational hairdressing channel where i'll show you a lot of different beautiful hairstyles and people.
I love working on people and giving them the hairstyle they desire, thats why i want to share this with all of you too!
There are videos on a wide variety of tools, and many different brands of products!
Hope you enjoy my content, if you do please subscribe so you can see my latest content.

With hairdressers love,

Theo Knoop