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Exposing the Hidden History of the world in Southern Africa. Discovering and researching the vanished civilisations of Southern Africa 300,000 years ago - Adam's Calendar - Millions of stone circle ruins - Ancient gold mines and large scale gold mining - Evidence of Anunnaki presence - Rediscovering advanced ancient technology left behind - Torus stones - Cone shaped tools - Magnetron technology - The Stone Circle Museum with unique tools and artefacts on display - Fossils of Humanoids - Dinosaurs - Reptilians - and Giants - The Giant footprint. Connecting the dots from the ancient past in a diverse range of subjects to make sense of the insane world we live in today, and to find a way out of this mess. All of this knowledge leads to the "ONE SMALL TOWN Can Change The World" plan of action. Discover it - share it. We are the ones we have been waiting for. No one is coming to save us - we have to save ourselves. Unity and higher consciousness for all. Michael Tellinger Michael Tellinger
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Exposing the Hidden History of the world in Southern Africa. Discovering and researching the vanished civilisations of Southern Africa 300,000 years ago - Adam's Calendar - Millions of stone circle ruins - Ancient gold mines and large scale gold mining - Evidence of Anunnaki presence - Rediscovering advanced ancient technology left behind - Torus stones - Cone shaped tools - Magnetron technology - The Stone Circle Museum with unique tools and artefacts on display - Fossils of Humanoids - Dinosaurs - Reptilians - and Giants - The Giant footprint. Connecting the dots from the ancient past in a diverse range of subjects to make sense of the insane world we live in today, and to find a way out of this mess. All of this knowledge leads to the "ONE SMALL TOWN Can Change The World" plan of action. Discover it - share it. We are the ones we have been waiting for. No one is coming to save us - we have to save ourselves. Unity and higher consciousness for all. Michael Tellinger