Cook with Mansi YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Cook with Mansi is a place where you can find varieties of cuisines like Indian, Chinese, Italian, Mexican and many more. You can learn to make these dishes in very simple steps. Learn the steps of baking and icing. Something about myself. I have the passion of cooking from childhood. Not everyone is perfectly born but practice makes a man perfect so as I am. I am having a good experience in vegetarian cooking and baking. Every time i try to explore something new and think what different I can give you all.Cook with Mansi
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Cook with Mansi is a place where you can find varieties of cuisines like Indian, Chinese, Italian, Mexican and many more. You can learn to make these dishes in very simple steps. Learn the steps of baking and icing.

Something about myself. I have the passion of cooking from childhood. Not everyone is perfectly born but practice makes a man perfect so as I am. I am having a good experience in vegetarian cooking and baking. Every time i try to explore something new and think what different I can give you all.