Liezl Jayne Strydom YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Hi I’m Liezl! I like to make and share simple, healthy recipes that actually taste good. You won’t find anything too complicated or time-consuming here! I previously lost more than 40 lbs by changing the way that I eat (I've shared some of my weight-loss journey on my channel). One of the things that helped me lose weight was meal prepping because then I didn't have to count any calories. I still meal prep almost every week to make it easier to keep eating healthy, because I find that when I eat healthier foods, I feel better physically and mentally. All my recipes are dairy-free, wheat-free, and mostly gluten-free - just FYI in case you have food allergies like me. I also have a blog where you can find the recipes I share on my channel + my ebooks: Social media - instagram + tiktok @liezljayne Liezl Jayne Strydom
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Hi I’m Liezl! I like to make and share simple, healthy recipes that actually taste good. You won’t find anything too complicated or time-consuming here! 
I previously lost more than 40 lbs by changing the way that I eat (I've shared some of my weight-loss journey on my channel). One of the things that helped me lose weight was meal prepping because then I didn't have to count any calories. I still meal prep almost every week to make it easier to keep eating healthy, because I find that when I eat healthier foods, I feel better physically and mentally.
All my recipes are dairy-free, wheat-free, and mostly gluten-free - just FYI in case you have food allergies like me.

I also have a blog where you can find the recipes I share on my channel + my ebooks:

Social media - 
instagram + tiktok @liezljayne