Lepomir Bakic YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

IFBB champion and competitor, fitness model and personal trainer. -- Sportski pozdrav, L E P O M I R B A K I C Mr. Universe 2013. WORLD CHAMPION Arnold classic 2011. silver medal IFBB Absolute Champion of Serbia 2010. IFBB Champion of Balkan IFBB Multiple national champion IFBB Vise o meni: http://www.lepomirbakic.com http://www.facebook.com/Lepomir.Bakic http://twitter.com/lepomirbakic Lepomir Bakić was born on October 11th 1986 in Pec, Kosovo and Metohija, SERBIALepomir Bakic
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IFBB champion and competitor, fitness model and personal trainer.
Sportski pozdrav,

L E P O M I R       B A K I C

Mr. Universe 2013. WORLD CHAMPION
Arnold classic 2011. silver medal  IFBB
Absolute Champion of Serbia 2010.  IFBB
Champion of Balkan IFBB
Multiple national champion IFBB

Vise o meni:

Lepomir Bakić was born on October 11th 1986 in Pec, Kosovo and Metohija, SERBIA