NJ CLUB YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

The official NJCLUB YouTube channel featuring exclusive music video premieres, behind the scenes, original series and more. NJCLUB is the home of Jersey Club Music. The #1 outlet for breaking the latest Jersey Club songs, videos, exclusive artist content, entertainment stories, celebrity rumors, interviews, the best viral videos & more. Since 2012, NJCLUB has worked with some of our generation’s most famous artist, producers, and musicians - which who all helped us continue to define our unique identity as a brand. We plan on continuing in helping expand the Jersey Club sound, and also to continue working with only the best, so keep on the look out for what we have in store.NJ CLUB
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VERY LOW, 0.4% of subscribers

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The official NJCLUB YouTube channel featuring exclusive music video premieres, behind the scenes, original series and more.

NJCLUB is the home of Jersey Club Music. The #1 outlet for breaking the latest Jersey Club songs, videos, exclusive artist content, entertainment stories, celebrity rumors, interviews, the best viral videos & more.

Since 2012, NJCLUB has worked with some of our generation’s most famous artist, producers, and musicians - which who all helped us continue to define our unique identity as a brand. 

We plan on continuing in helping expand the Jersey Club sound, and also to continue working with only the best, so keep on the look out for what we have in store.