Barbell Brigade YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

The first time we put the words "barbell" and "brigade" together, we knew we were onto something. Inspiration created momentum, and momentum turned into a culture of people that wanted more than just the norms of corporate fitness. As the Barbell Brigade Brand grew, the more we found ourselves occupying an unexplored space. We didn’t try to be anything other than ourselves. We created a lifestyle brand that filled the void and navigated the challenges of the industry to spread our stories and culture. We’re not tied down to traditional approaches or beliefs; rather, we’re defined by the rules that we’ve chosen to ignore. We are a designed system of stories and symbolisms that reflect the attitudes and beliefs of our community. Here are our stories. Welcome to the Barbell Brigade World!Barbell Brigade
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  • Subscribers
  • 701,000
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  • Views
  • 119,905,176
  • 6,686 / d
  • Videos
  • 1,803
  • 2 Per Week

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Downward trend

Avg. Video Views

VERY LOW, 1.3% of subscribers

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The first time we put the words "barbell" and "brigade" together, we knew we were onto something. Inspiration created momentum, and momentum turned into a culture of people that wanted more than just the norms of corporate fitness. As the Barbell Brigade Brand grew, the more we found ourselves occupying an unexplored space. We didn’t try to be anything other than ourselves. We created a lifestyle brand that filled the void and navigated the challenges of the industry to spread our stories and culture. We’re not tied down to traditional approaches or beliefs; rather, we’re defined by the rules that we’ve chosen to ignore. We are a designed system of stories and symbolisms that reflect the attitudes and beliefs of our community. Here are our stories.

Welcome to the Barbell Brigade World!