Nozibele Qamngana YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Diagnosed with HIV in 2013; Nozibele faced her hardest decision of maintaining her “good girl” image while hiding her secret from her staunch Christian family and dealing with the rejection from her then partner. Seven years later, Nozibele could no longer suffer in silence. She saw the need to use her own story to inspire, engage and educate others on issues relating to health, HIV and family dynamics. Nozibele has made it her mission to hold open conversations about her journey living with HIV. Her YouTube channel was named as one of the Top 15 HIV YouTube channels on the web. Follow Nozibele Qamngana on her other channels: @noziqamngana on Twitter @noziqamngana on Instagram Nozibele Mayaba on Facebook Qamngana
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Diagnosed with HIV in 2013; Nozibele faced her hardest decision of maintaining her “good girl” image while hiding her secret from her staunch Christian family and dealing with the rejection from her then partner. Seven years later, Nozibele could no longer suffer in silence. She saw the need to use her own story to inspire, engage and educate others on issues
relating to health, HIV and family dynamics. Nozibele has made it her mission to hold open conversations about her journey living with HIV. Her YouTube channel was named as one of the Top 15 HIV YouTube channels on the web.  

Follow Nozibele Qamngana on her other channels:

@noziqamngana on Twitter
@noziqamngana on Instagram
Nozibele Mayaba on Facebook