Star Light Kids YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD

Five years ago, having little film experience, we began making videos for kids starring our children and their friends. To our amazement, we’ve grown into a channel with 12 original shows, over 2 million YouTube subscribers, and over 1.5 billion views around the world! Our shows stand out as original, aspirational live-action fun for kids. We feel that as our audience has grown, so has the responsibility that comes with it. So we’ve committed to do everything we can to put kids first.Star Light Kids
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  • Subscribers
  • 2,440,000
  • -
  • Views
  • 1,802,263,963
  • 62,947 / d
  • Videos
  • 604
  • 7 Per Week

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Downward trend

Avg. Video Views

VERY LOW, 0.4% of subscribers

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Five years ago, having little film experience, we began making videos for kids starring our children and their friends. To our amazement, we’ve grown into a channel with 12 original shows, over 2 million YouTube subscribers, and over 1.5 billion views around the world! Our shows stand out as original, aspirational live-action fun for kids. We feel that as our audience has grown, so has the responsibility that comes with it. So we’ve committed to do everything we can to put kids first.