YouTube Channel Analytics Report - PLAYBOARD Get plenty of new inspiration and ideas for your teaching baby swimming. With Aqua Feelings e-learning instructor course in baby swimming you can in a simple and easy way add new exercises to your teaching. Aqua Feelings teaching differs much from everyone else's education, as it is a concept that we have developed and tested for 10 years. The basis of our unique approach is that the learning does not always depend on what the baby wants. We believe that the correct signals from the mother affect the baby's state of mind in a positive direction. The parent must show that she really wants the baby to perform this task and, regardless of how the baby behaves or reacts, she is ready to praise the baby afterwards. Teaching the parent and the baby result in greater development and happiness in the end. Read more: Aqua Feelings Denmark By: Birgitte & Allan
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Get plenty of new inspiration and ideas for your teaching baby swimming. With Aqua Feelings e-learning instructor course in baby swimming you can in a simple and easy way add new exercises to your teaching. 

Aqua Feelings teaching differs much from everyone else's education, as it is a concept that we have developed and tested for 10 years. The basis of our unique approach is that the learning does not always depend on what the baby wants. 

We believe that the correct signals from the mother affect the baby's state of mind in a positive direction. The parent must show that she really wants the baby to perform this task and, regardless of how the baby behaves or reacts, she is ready to praise the baby afterwards.  

Teaching the parent and the baby result in greater development and happiness in the end. Read more:

Aqua Feelings

By: Birgitte & Allan Merrild